Friday, January 29, 2010

friday finds

this week for you: raw urls ;)
(no, well, yes, but raw urls to cool stuff.)

neither would be more libraries...

jessamyn at boingboing (1 week only)

ipad lust:
and ipad cons
and ipad opinions

and last, because I feel for you my friends:

oh and yes, the smartest thing I read so far this year:
"Books should only be catalogued once. Currently the public purse pays for having the same book catalogued over and over again..."

-- Jens Vigen, Head of the CERN Library, who just made their entire catalog dataset available to anyone.

any comments? anyone?

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Friday, January 22, 2010

best of the week

fravorite links from the interwebs:

aaron on the user experience

5 things innovators do.
(thanks bobbi newman)

open source marketplace:PTFS acquire liblime

Rober B Parker dies
I am very sad. he was like a friend to me.
so many say: "he's one of the reasons I do what I do." I am part of that group also.

Just for fun: computer engineer barbie anyone?

Richard turned me on to this, then LifeHacker features:Firefox portable

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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

getting caught up.

sorry this list goes on and on. many brilliant finds in the last few weeks.
start with my 3 absolute favorites:

what makes a person satisfied...

-for those who think the internet is killing social interactions:
how the internet enables intimacy.

and taming the paper dragon (love lifehacker)

then there is so much more:

FUN: over the years, social networks have allowed me to meet with
library people with whom I share all kinds of common personnal interest.
be it dogs, tattoos, motorcycles and of course food...
geeky foodie

Have you heard the library 2.0 gang? here is a good one to listen to

literacy, what does it mean:

free holiday ebooks

oh, oh, let's try this:

10 new librarian blog
s for you to discover

... last but not least: I love mashable

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