As a test, I am posting a bad picture of my office.
I'm gonna sing you a hundred verses in ragtime. I know this song it ain't never gonna end...
OK, this is serious, ha, ha! Not really, but I will do this! There is too much stuff I hear that begs to be repeated. Yesterday, I attended a SirsiDynix Institute web round table about the Web 2.0/Library 2.0 Meme. Now, everyone at my library knows how big a groupie I am when it comes to Stephen Abram and Michael Stephens… They were there along with Michael Casey and John Blyberg making it all so real, relevant and exciting. I even got the nerve to ask a question that they answered on line! All this to say that I did start this blog just to play with the tool and see how it worked, and I was reminded that discovering was fine but the point was to use the space to share and meet with more folks and spread the gospel and all, so here! Look for me to post with more regularity and in the meantime, take one hour of your time to view the recorded presentation on the archive.