Sunday, September 21, 2014

Change is good!

Here it is folks, after months of hard work and a last super push of 55 hours last week, we will be re-opening one of our locations on Monday with a new RFID sorter, new selfcheck models, new information desk, re-organized public computer space and so much more...

take a look a the nice pictures :
the new hold shelf/selfcheck

the new security gates/entrance:

sorter return, book display:

Beautiful 1st impression:

Self service: return, checkout:

Light footprint, re-configurable info desk:

again, self service area:

new table for the copier:

New layout and chairs for the public PCs:

 Busy corner, new books, DVDS:

Future content creation /maker area:

Quiet Reading area:

Reference, student support:

the view from the back of the room looking at the entrance:

It was a lot of work and I hope it comes together happily tomorrow.

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