Wednesday, December 03, 2014


I got promoted to Public Services Manager at MPOW this week.  I sought the position for a lot of reasons, but a passion for public service was definitely at the top of the list.  Combine this with my recent enrollment in the Sunshine State Library Leadership Institute and the loss today of one of the greatest hockey players that ever lived has put leadership and what is at its core on my mind.  A lot.

Jean Beliveau played hockey in th NHL from 1950 to 1971 and had 10 Stanley Cup rings.  That is TEN, you read it right.  But what people mentioned the most today on all my satellite TV and radio channels from home was how much of a gentleman he was.  The giant mark he made on his country, on his contemporaries and so many generations after, was how perfectly he conducted himself always.  At work, on the ice, with everyone he met, from co-workers to journalists, to politicians to people on the street, everyone wished they were like him.  He never made great speeches or told people what to do, he just demonstrated exemplary behavior.  He is reported to have signed autographs carefully so folks could read it.  Some of his greatest adversaries on the ice became life long friends and cried on his death bed last month.

There are many such people to admire around us, people who do the right thing, show grace and respect for everyone, but few embodied this as well as he did.

Respecting others enough to give them the best of yourself everyday,  realizing that everything we do matters to someone, is not only powerful in itself, it is also contagious.

I really hope that by carefully making the right choice in my day to day work, I can begin to help, even before the new projects and the speeches start. 

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